If your drive doesn’t meet the above requirements, it’ll be read as a media player instead and won’t work as a storage device. It must be no smaller than 250 GB on the PS4, and 256 GB on the Xbox One.An external drive can be plugged into your console via one of your console’s USB ports. The simplest way to improve your storage capacity is to buy an external hard drive. How do I easily add more space to my Xbox One or PS4 without tinkering with the internals? But if you were to install a game like Quantum Break today on your Xbox One X, add the 4K enhancements and plump for the optional TV show, your hard drive will be groaning under the weight of 178 GB of content. In 2014, when Blu-Ray discs had become the norm, they were no more than 45 GB. Back in 2012, games regularly weighed in at 8 GB. What’s more, new games are getting bigger as developers add enhancements to take advantage of the extra horsepower of the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.
It’s also the steady drip feed of patches that follow, as well as all those miscellaneous things like screenshots and videos and apps and saves and this, that and the other. It’s not just the initial installation of a game that can eat up space on your hard drive.